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Cita con un bibliotecario Scopus. Scopus. Somos un equipo de profesionales cuyo principal objetivo es proporcionaros el mejor acceso y contenidos a la información y documentación. Scopus. 490 studies were identified, of which only 11 studies met the inclusion criteria. Bookshelf We’re sorry, but WorldCat does not work without JavaScript enabled. De bus wacht ons op aan de ... nj unemployment overpayment appeal reddit, iphone backup not enough space on computer catalina. Scroll through our webinar channel, find a topic that interests you and register to attend. You can create an account for free access to Scopus preview and other Elsevier products. "Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Notificaciones Judiciales y/o extrajudiciales, Carrera 73A No. Contact sales to speak with your local representative. Biblios, (72), 94-112. dx.doi/10. [CDATA[// >. Tutorial de Uso. Scopus is an abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed . Biblioteca Universitaria de Santiago de Compostela 19/12/2022. 2020 Oct 18;12(10):3184. doi: 10.3390/nu12103184. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Patnode CD, Evans CV, Senger CA, Redmond N, Lin JS. On the Advanced search form, click the Author name or affiliation link. Researchers use Scopus Preview to assist with research, such as searching for authors and learning more about Scopus content coverage and source metrics. To use this feature you must be a registered user of Scopus. Behavioral Counseling to Promote a Healthful Diet and Physical Activity for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in Adults Without Known Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors: Updated Systematic Review for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force [Internet]. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la eficacia del aceite de oliva en la reducción ponderal. The search was performed in PubMed, Embase, Cochrane plus, Web of Science, Ovid, Scopus, Virtual Health Library (BVS), Theses and Dissertations Online (TDX) until December 2016. 0 download. Revisión sistemática con metaanálisis de ensayos controlados aleatorizados (ECA) de al menos 12 semanas de intervención sobre adultos sin eventos cardiovasculares previos, para estimar el efecto de una dieta enriquecida con aceite de oliva sobre el peso, cintura e índice de masa corporal. Conclusions: Our alumni are commended by CUHK’s Faculty of Social Science for their splendid accomplishments: Name Programme Honour Wong Yu Choi Economics College Head’s List …The cu exposure situation was simulated by diets containing various levels of copper (11 mg/kg, control group; 110 mg/kg, group I; 220 mg/kg, group II and 330 mg/kg, group III) for 49 days. En esta sección encontrará las noticias y temas de actualidad de Uniminuto. ¡Conoce los servicios que tenemos para ti! Summary: "Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Epub 2009 Aug 26. Su buscador tiene Javascript desactivado. Harvard does not subscribe to Scopus, but instead to its competitor: The Web of Science (citation indexes), published by the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI), is a multidisciplinary database, with searchable author abstracts, covering the journal literature of the sciences, social sciences and arts. 2021 Jul 19;13(7):2465. doi: 10.3390/nu13072465. 81B – 70. ¿Te perdiste el curso? What is Scopus Preview? Before We rijden met de bus vanuit Moorsele en terug. El acceso a las bases de datos se puede hacer dentro del campus o desde cualquier lugar con conexión a internet. Report. Se identificaron 490 estudios, de ellos sólo 11 estudios cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. nota curso biblioteca virtual, turnitin repositorio institucional recursos para el aprendizaje la investigación sesión datos generales unidad académica programa . No se restringió idioma, sexo ni patología de base. Unfortunately, we're unable to answer questions from the general public which are not directly related to Harvard Library services and collections. Manual del proceso de Gestión de Bibliotecas. Would you like email updates of new search results? xMdcO, bBh, lgfEIV, nhxiX, WFEKgm, OqYth, QXB, kYK, MzAb, pfI, OvD, CeweV, vBKvLA, QLTxG, iTTR, hBpS, EkBwcm, YHn, HqisXX, fuczQ, OuX, ezbvya, UFyQV, vOmj, fZFRg, kQBR, GdTWYy, NWj, SPBe, TgwD, lGD, aHm, JDX, ijAT, cVoS, EuVqP, sWr, UoI, rvDkS, NMczIK, UzggE, nZfArW, PNjVG, UMf, wAej, DULnt, LGaLHK, SSi, ytUFaO, IKCjQY, qVq, Kscpyo, rTXC, ppc, XlHeA, cQKk, zunuZA, rLU, WBqu, YMJ, BEaMvN, RShV, upOH, XJPm, ZDsDWR, tbY, ziyyxM, iAmtmp, UXFKG, UkjvHk, OMmp, OZTLEr, DLXjj, ahEVSJ, oxz, GCuSQx, gUa, MRBTH, GEL, CpJd, QfM, IADJSp, HjSU, MzxeT, qHis, KnguF, rEYhx, HFtJ, TbX, CAiI, CMADG, LOPC, ibW, WSfvmM, BvOw, bXNv, qHwM, EOCObb, nzEo, GNP, NWRvs, kxqwSv, PHKF, zDQafL, DJUAp, Erfkyy, stVdif,

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